Previous Projects

Garden Clean Up

Garden clean up – Summer of 2013, the Foundation hired a professional landscape firm to clean up the gardens. One of the major thrusts of the Board last year was to make the grounds appealing to the eye. Many tourists come to the Academy and they never fail to take pictures to share with their families when they return home. The Board felt this money was very well spent. Cost 2500.00

Roof Repair

Thanks to a very generous bequest to the Foundation, the roof and chimney were able to be repaired in the fall of 2013 and spring of 2014. This major project included new insulation in the attic, replacement of the roof membrane to solve the leaking problem, and a brand new chimney. This work will guarantee water tightness for years to come. Our bell tower was also repaired meaning no more water damage there either. Pledge: 195,000.00

The pictures show the work in progress. The old particle board was removed and replaced. Note the water damage from the leaks in the old roof.

Elevator Repair

The elevator should be in full working order by May 2014. As LAMP moves in to occupy the top floor in the Fall of 2014, there was no question about the necessity to repair the elevator. Renters and community members are guaranteed easy access to the second and third floors. Cost 55,000.00

The Foundation is very pleased with the work of Universal Elevator. They a great job cleaning up the "pit". Where it is now painted grey, it was black and oily. They installed a new elevator control panel and new electronic box which houses all the complicated but new hardware to control the Academy elevator. It should be good for another twenty years

Lunenburg Community Garden

A garden project where all members of our community are welcome to gather, share and celebrate the simple act of growing and eating healthy food.

The Lunenburg Community Garden is having a great first season so far! With the help of generous members of our community and the support of the LAF we were able to reach our goal of building 20 garden beds (including 4 accessible raised beds), all of which are filled for the 2014 season. Our gardeners are enthusiastic about their plots - many of them are new to gardening and learning as they go through our mentorship program, which pairs experienced gardeners with new gardeners. If you take a walk through the garden, you will notice that each plot is individually fenced with lightweight removable netting. This netting is designed to keep deer out as they don't like the feel of it touching their noses! Recently we held our first community workshop and planted edible mushrooms in Bed #1. Check back over the summer as we watch our mushrooms grow. Our next project will be to build and plant two flower beds which will help act as a windbreak on the north side of the garden. We also recently received funding to build a composter, and will be holding a community workshop once it is built. You are invited to our Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting, Wednesday July 16th from 6-7PM.

If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please send a note to Watch for our first newsletter, which will be coming out in July! You can also check us out on Facebook

New Rain Gutters

For 2014-2015 The Lunenburg Academy Foundation has selected new rain gutters as the most urgent work to be done. Estimated cost of the project - $50,000

Grads, Alumni, Concerned citizens and all who love Lunenburg Academy.

It is disheartening to see the old Academy in such a sad state. Rotten drain gutters above entrances is resulting in a host of problems: water spewing over people as they walk into the school below the gutter at the main entrance, extensive rot in the building is forming from water getting behind the cladding or mouldings due to malfunctioning rain gutters. Doors are rotting due to water finding its way between the walls of the entrance causing the original doors rotting out.

Along with replacing all the gutters, at 150.00 per linear foot, there is also necessary structural work to be done as well. Because water which should be draining off the building through the gutters has been finding its way behind shingles and inside doors, there is a fair bit of structural work to do: replacing the shingles and moldings where necessary, overhauling the damage to the underlying structure and replacing the rot in the inside walls and door transom.

The good news is it can be repaired, but it will be a costly project.

We are counting on your help. Any amount you can donate will be greatly appreciated.

Perhaps you might like to consider buying one or two feet of gutter.

Cost – 150.00 per foot.
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